Take Challenging Classes
University classes can be tough. Taking the right classes in high school, and challenging yourself now will get you ready for that university statistics final, mid-term paper, and class presentation, all without having to invest in so many energy drinks! Learn what classes to take and how to gain excellent study skills while you’re still in high school.
1. The A-G College Entrance Requirements for UC and CSU admissions
So here is the scoop-not all high schools will automatically give every student the classes they need to apply to a UC or CSU. Some schools simply don’t have the resources, but more so, many students don’t even know the college prep classes to take. Don’t be that student! This is why it is of grave importance that you listen up!
In California we have what are known as the A-G College Entrance Requirements. This is a group of 16 college preparatory classes that you will need to complete in order to qualify for admission to a public four-year university in California.
Oh, you’ve heard of these classes? Great! To make sure you are in fact enrolled the right classes you should speak to your school counselor as soon as possible. And to really freak them out, study the chart below, learn what classes you have already taken, and let them know you have decided to get some university culture in you. You will become their golden student!
The A-G College Entrance Requirements are Summarized as Follows:
- History / Social Science – Two years, including one year of world history, cultures, and historical geography and one year of US history or one-half year of US history and one-half year of civics or American government.
- English – Four years of college preparatory English that include frequent and regular writing and reading of classic and modern literature.
- Mathematics – Three years of college preparatory mathematics that include the topics covered in elementary and advanced algebra and two- and three-dimensional geometry.
- Laboratory Science – Two years of laboratory science providing fundamental knowledge in at least two of these three disciplines: biology, chemistry, and physics.
- Language Other Than English – Two years of the same language other than English.
- Visual & Performing Arts – One year, including dance, drama/theater, music, or visual art.
- College Preparatory Elective – One year (two semesters), chosen from additional "a-f" courses beyond those used to satisfy the requirements above, or courses that have been approved solely for use as "g" electives.
2. Take Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors Classes:
Don’t run away! AP & honors classes want to be your friend. AP and honors classes are a great way to advance in one subject during your high school years to effectively prepare you for college level work and make you the uber prepared student freshman year.
When you speak to your counselor about taking the right classes for college, also ask what AP classes they recommend you take and when. Usually, if you are getting A‘s in a specific subject, you can transition easily into AP and honors classes in that subject.
In some cases, AP classes can count as college credit if you take and pass the AP final exam. Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your mind and your interests by challenging yourself in something that really pays.
You can find more information about the AP tests by visiting: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home